(PALM SPRINGS) — The SoCal Coyotes have issued a formal statement from head coach J David Miller regarding the team’s pioneer efforts to lead revolutionary change via the groundbreaking launch of the AAA Professional Football League,which begins a four-team, four-week pilot program this spring.

Details will be announced at a press conference next Wednesday at The Palm Springs Hotel. Meanwhile, the Coyotes released this statement from Coach Miller:

“Next week, along with the APFL and our corporate partner Five Star Sports & Entertainment, we will unveil the most aggressive sports leadership program for players in the history of developmental football. For the first time, developmental players at ground zero will realize compensation, health and injury insurance, and numerous other program benefits, including football and career advancement.

“Five Star Sports & Entertainment, and the corporate family of Five Star Companies, are now the cylinders of the entire APFL engine. Developmental football will no longer operate off the indentured servitude of the already downtrodden and financially desperate athlete. Instead, the APFL will provide all athletes HOPE, and a future.

“The SoCal Coyotes are humbly grateful to lead the charge for the health, care and ongoing welfare of the developing player, and to be the underpinning of a long overdue solution. We thank God for not only the ability and opportunity to play our great game, but also deliver a scalable program that will ‘Defend the Shield’ of Faith, Family and Football in communities, classrooms and board rooms across America.

“As we prepare for this landmark announcement, we draw strength from the great Dr. Martin Luther King, who so courageously clarified that ‘the greatest tragedies are not the strident clamor of bad people, but the appalling silence of good people.’ So we wait not for others to take the risk. Instead, we step forward on faith, and we till the very ground we’re standing on.”

–Hall of Fame Head Coach J David Miller

NAMED AMERICA’S NUMBER-ONE DEVELOPMENTAL TEAM, the Coyotes are the nation’s only non-profit sports leadership organization to field a professional football team. The organization is fast becoming recognized industry-wide for its efforts. The team has donated thousands of dollars to area schools, youth organizations and charities, and distributed its leadership curriculum to more than 30,000 students.

FOR MORE INFORMATION, call 760.272.8799, or email

–Brandon O’Neill, VP Program Development

About Ronald Joseph Kule, Biographer/Novelist/Ghostwriter

Acclaimed biographer, novelist, ghostwriter, and sales-training expert. I write/ghostwrite biographies and historical fiction books commissioned by clients. Always five-star quality, I deliver more than what is expected. My sales-training books/courses series, LISTEN MORE SELL MORE, is the basis for my training workshops. On commission, I ghostwrite books for clients whenever available. Since 2010, I have written, ghosted, and published 10-12 books. Inquiries to commission my services for a biography, historical fiction novel, memoir, or a sales-training workshop or keynote speech should be emailed to: Your inquiries and posts are welcome!
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